Why use Wire?


Grounded in the early nineteenth century, astute engineers uncovered the strength-boosting properties of steel when drawn into wires. This revelation highlighted that a pliable arrangement of steel wires surpasses the strength of a solid steel bar of equivalent diameter, presenting superior load capacity with significantly less material.


As a trusted supplier of Zip-Clip, Gomac champions this proven concept with our wire suspension and bracing systems. The wire featured in all Zip-Clip systems stands as a premium product, boasting a formidable tensile strength of 1960 N/mm². Spanning load capacities from 15 kg to 500 kg, our solutions are meticulously crafted with an embedded safety factor.

This level of performance and accountability instils confidence in opting for Zip-Clip wire over traditional threaded rod or chain-supported suspensions. It stands as a pivotal reason why wire rope is now specified across a continually expanding range of applications.

Our wire rope systems not only enhance installation flexibility and speed but also contribute to reduced materials requirements and waste. As a result, our suspension solutions align seamlessly with the evolving environmental considerations of diverse projects. Partner with Gomac to elevate your projects with Zip-Clip’s cutting-edge wire suspension and bracing systems.

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